Friday, May 15, 2009

New album... unofficial announcement

So, I've been working on a new album this week. Finishing up with my degree has left me bored, so I've been hard at work.

This album will not be a Cary or Magellan's Folly work, so I guess it would be a Ronny Cary piece. Keep that in mind as I tell you this: this album is different from what I've done before.

I'm hoping to leave behind loud overdubbed guitars. I love them, and they aren't going away forever, but this album is a different sound.

I have 10 songs completed thus far, incorporating suspended chords, a few minor 7ths. Also (gasp) I'm synthing (new verb) some 808s on this album, at least at the demo stage.

I'm blending a lot of styles here, as I am in life. The word "epic" is thrown around too much these days, so I will refrain from using it here. No news on album name, song titles or other things. I'll give you that later.

Off to keep working!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Up and writing.

Here I am. 1 am.

I don't sleep well anymore. It just doesn't seem to want to work.

It is not that my life is falling apart. Rather, I view it as falling into place. It's a tough view to have.

My vertigo is getting worse and worse now. As soon as darkness happens the spinning starts. I think it's the asthma, but my inhaler will just keep me up all night with the shakes.

That's ok though, right? I have my paradise by my computer light. My 19" LCD screen gives me a window to the world. My Ubuntu 9.04 frees me from the grip of corporatocracy.


It's a sad world for someone who doesn't fit into the categories. Since finishing the paper all I can think about is my postgenderist ligature.

You probably don't get it. If you do, I'll hug you. Until then, ask me. It's been my obsession since I was 4 years old, dejected from the realm the binary left behind. Like paradise lost, chasing a dream of perfection that climaxed before I was in elementary school.

I'm writing songs for all of you again. Two songs are already finished. One I wrote when I was 15 and the other I wrote 3 years ago.

I'll free myself by freeing you, thank you very much. The greatest reward is the smile on your face when you see light on the cave wall for the first time.

Tomorrow, I'll change a life. My hope is that it is yours. You are in my thoughts, and believe me: I'll be here to save you.